How we see innovation at Egile

At EGILE we believe that innovation is a key tool to ensure the company's sustainability, growth and competitiveness. We are at the heart of a group that is innovative by nature and conviction, where an in-house R&D&I unit and a culture of innovation are the breeding ground for projects that keep us at the forefront of manufacturing technologies, allowing us to co-create efficient, agile, safe solutions together with our customers.

We always work in close collaboration with our customers, as it is their needs for future technologies that guide us from the early stages of a new project through to final production. The result is in-depth knowledge of manufacturing technologies and complete technological capabilities that can meet all market needs.

Investment in R&D&I over

In-house R&D&I unit, part of the Basque Science and Technology Network:

People working in R&D&I

Strategic R&D lines

Additive Manufacturing Unit

Always on the lookout for new opportunities, we have our own Additive Manufacturing Unit: Egile Additive Manufacturing, present throughout the value chain from co-design through to manufacturing, as well as certification of aeronautical component processes.

The unit specialises in laser powder bed fusion technology, and works mostly with nickel-based alloys (IN718) in a plant organised by materials.

We offer:

  • Characterisation and control of metal dust
  • Development of process parameters to optimise aeronautical component functionality
  • Extensive experience and knowledge in the world of casting
  • In-house laboratory

Strategic lines

Geared motors

Our research and development focuses on kinematic systems. These systems are currently demanding significant advances in modelling/simulations, advanced manufacturing and monitoring.

Geared motors

Strategic lines


We focus on innovation that can improve performance in these systems, as future aircraft engines will operate at more demanding revolutions and temperatures.


Strategic lines


These materials are present in the key components of an aircraft engine. The difficulty in machining them led us to look for technologies that reduce cycle times while maintaining product reliability.


Strategic lines


At Egile we innovate in dies –the core part of a press line– and packaging elements, bringing value to our customers in terms of productivity and savings in consumption of materials.


Strategic lines


We bring our know-how in manufacturing technologies and metrology to accelerator systems and components, for applications in both the world of science and the health sector.


Strategic lines

Industry 4.0

At Egile we believe that digitisation and automation are fundamental pillars in our transformation. In digitalisation, our obsession is to obtain data, cross-reference them and exploit them in order to find opportunities for continuous improvement. In the aeronautical business, which has traditionally been dominated by small batches, we believe that automation and stand-alone systems begin to make more sense as volumes grow. In some operations, man-machine collaboration will even be indispensable.

Industry 4.0

Strategic lines

Manufacturing technologies

We develop improvements for most of the technologies present in dynamic mechanical systems: turning, multi-axis turning, 5-continuous axis system, flat grinding, 5-axis grinding, hybrid diamond turning, inner and outer cylindrical grinding, wire cutting (high-speed and high-precision), deep drilling, burring and burnishing, gear cutting and grinding, coordinate grinding, optical profile grinding, penetration EDM, broaching, balancing, etc.

Manufacturing technologies

More electrical, safer, reconfigurable systems focused on more efficient aircraft, reducing pilot load

SELENA - IDI-20150631

Status: In progress

Selena CDTI

In this project, led by CESA as part of the CIEN Programme, Egile AeroTransmissions will develop new methodologies and critical technologies to make reduction systems more reliable (redundant lubrication systems), safer (monitoring vibrations and acoustic signals caused by possible component anomalies), more efficient (using advanced gear contact design to anticipate shaft misalignments) and durable (less wear and vibration).

Development of a future turboprop gearbox


Status: In progress


With this project, Egile AeroTransmissions becomes a Core Partner within the ENGINE ITD. This milestone makes us a European benchmark in aeronautical reduction systems.

The scope of the project is the design, manufacture and testing of several prototypes of the gearbox to be installed in a 1100 HP turboprop shaft. SAFRAN Helicopter Engines will supervise the activities, while Egile AeroTransmissions will work on the designs alongside SAFRAN Transmission Systems.

Development of systems for more reliable, efficient lubrication of aircraft engines through new advanced design methodologies and monitoring.

LATIDO - ZL-2019/00942

Status: In progress

Grupo Spri

The next generation of engines will have more demanding operating parameters in terms of temperatures and revolutions. The implications are that systems such as the the lubrication pump have to be significantly improved in order to provide an efficient, reliable service. Moreover, it must be remembered that one of the most important drivers in the sector is reduced weight. These are the goals we have in mind for this project, in which we use advanced modelling and monitoring technologies to identify critical factors and ensure optimal lubrication pump designs.

IK4-TEKNIKER and the European Commission are both involved.

Additively manufactured limited angle torque motor for Smart Active Inceptors


Status: In progress

Optimize Egile Aerotransmissions Cleansky

Electrification of engines means more weight is being added to systems, contradicting the most relevant trend in the sector, i.e. weight reduction. To anticipate this paradox, Egile Mechanics will develop and manufacture a variety of electric motor components using additive manufacturing technology in ferromagnetic materials, starting from new designs using topological optimisation methodologies. The customer or Topic Manager for this project is Safran Electronics & Defense.

Compact linear particle accelerator

IKERTU - ZE-2018/00034

Status: Finished

Grupo Spri

Accelerators are mature facilities in a range of sizes, applied mainly to the fields of medicine and science. In the health sector, conventional cancer therapy technologies based on photons are gradually being replaced by others based on particle emission. In this project, Egile Mechanics will design some of the key systems for these accelerators and develop the technologies associated with their manufacture, such as machining, joining and metrology.

High-speed turbines: Develop advanced manufacturing technologies

TALDEA - ZE-2017/00029

Status: Finished

Grupo Spri

The next generation of engines will have more demanding operating parameters in terms of temperatures and revolutions. The implications are that the components must be manufactured with unknown materials and higher tolerance requirements, while maintaining levels of competitiveness and reliability. In this project, we intend to validate some emerging technologies such as additive manufacturing, and improve more conventional machining. This project is headed up by ITP Aero.

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