Innovation is the essence of our work at Egile, providing the bedrock for new, better opportunities.
How we see innovation at Egile
At EGILE we believe that innovation is a key tool to ensure the company's sustainability, growth and competitiveness. We are at the heart of a group that is innovative by nature and conviction, where an in-house R&D&I unit and a culture of innovation are the breeding ground for projects that keep us at the forefront of manufacturing technologies, allowing us to co-create efficient, agile, safe solutions together with our customers.
We always work in close collaboration with our customers, as it is their needs for future technologies that guide us from the early stages of a new project through to final production. The result is in-depth knowledge of manufacturing technologies and complete technological capabilities that can meet all market needs.
Investment in R&D&I over
In-house R&D&I unit, part of the Basque Science and Technology Network:
People working in R&D&I
Strategic R&D lines
Additive Manufacturing Unit
Always on the lookout for new opportunities, we have our own Additive Manufacturing Unit: Egile Additive Manufacturing, present throughout the value chain from co-design through to manufacturing, as well as certification of aeronautical component processes.
The unit specialises in laser powder bed fusion technology, and works mostly with nickel-based alloys (IN718) in a plant organised by materials.
We offer:
- Characterisation and control of metal dust
- Development of process parameters to optimise aeronautical component functionality
- Extensive experience and knowledge in the world of casting
- In-house laboratory